Thursday, January 16, 2014

30 Things Series 8

What are 5 passions you have right now?

Well, the definition of Passion is this: "Any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate." (
So I guess according to this definition I could list things that I love and/or things that I hate. But I'm not sure that I'm passionate about anything hateful...if I am then I suppose it's not that important to me because I can't think of it at moment!

BUT here are some things that I know I'm passionate about:

1. Being a wife and mother.
 I know that it is my highest calling in this life. Guys, being a wife and a mother is the greatest, and hardest thing ever. I'm not even sure how women work full-time and then come home to their kids because I feel like being a mother takes up ALL of my time and energy. In my life, this is something that encompasses my life on a daily basis, and I absolutely love it. I'm constantly trying to find ways to improve myself in this area, and it's a very fulfilling thing to use the Atonement and find myself becoming a better me everyday so that I can be better for my husband and son.

2. Writing.
 I simply love to create. I love finding myself lost in writing, writing about anything and everything. I especially love writing fiction because I feel it's the ultimate form of creation. Writing is also a very personal thing for me, because I feel I can best express myself through writing. I don't feel like there is anything stopping me from saying what I really need to say, which is a great feeling.

3. The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I love The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It has been my one constant through my entire life. I absolutely love to learn about the doctrine and just expand my knowledge and testimony.

4. Sex Education at home.
 Okay. I know some people have very strong opinions about this subject, and so do I. My belief is that PARENTS should be the ones to teach their kids about sex. Not teachers. It is a parents job to do this. It is one of the most important subjects and as such, it needs to be talked about with people who love you and are not paid to tell you about it. This subject needs to be talked about frequently, not just in one class where teachers spew forth all of this information and then set you loose with all these questions (because lets face it, nobody is going to ask questions when teachers ask if they have any).
With that being said, I am actually glad that they have sex education in schools believe it or not. And the reason why I say that is because not all parents are responsible enough to teach their kids about sex, so at least those kids will get it somewhere. But I do think that sex education in public schools should not be mandatory. It should be optional.

5. Noticing and enjoying the little things in life.
I believe this is one of the secrets of being able to enjoy life, everyday. Notice things around you that you love! Be happy for the things that are going well in your life! I remember a few weeks ago Josh and I bought a new pot for our kitchen. And every time I use that dang pot I get so happy because I knew we needed it and now we have it and now I can use it whenever I darn well please! How great is that? I feel that Josh and I were blessed to not have a lot of money when we got married because it allowed us to acquire this ability to notice the little things and be happy and content. I'm grateful because now no matter how much money we have, we will always be able to appreciate the little things because we learned to do that.

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