Saturday, January 18, 2014

30 Things Series 10

Describe your most embarrassing moment.

I know everyone says that they don't get embarrassed, but I think if I'm being truthful with myself, I do get embarrassed, but only for a very short time.
It's taken me a while but I've learned to laugh at myself. I remember not being able to stand looking back on embarrassing memories, so I decided I simply was not going to let my embarrassment get to me! Life can be so much more enjoyable when you can learn to laugh.

But I will tell you of one time that I got really embarrassed...
I was 16 or 17 I think, and I was at church. Sunday School just let out and my friend Jenna and I were running to the bathroom before Young Womens was to begin. We decided to make our way to the gym and walk across it so we can get to the other side of the church where the bathroom was.
Now, at this point in the story there are a few things that you should know.

Jenna was wearing flats.
I was wearing heals.
Our ward held opening exercises for the Elders Quorum in the gym.

Elders Quorum was still setting up chairs and all that so we just decided to quickly scoot ourselves across the gym to get to the bathroom. We were sort of speed walking/jogging. In skirts.

And the facts are this:
Jenna was moving faster than me.
I attempted to catch up to her. Wearing heals. And a skirt.
Next thing I knew, I had lost my footing and I completely biffed it. Like, I sort of soared through the air and landed all sprawled on the floor.

Everyone turned and just stared at me. Thank goodness my skirt didn't fly up, because I probably wouldn't have been able to handle that.
But it was still embarrassing all the same. Very embarrassing.
All the men were asking if I was okay, so I just kind of stood up, smoothed my skirt and waved at all the men and got myself out of there as fast as I could.

Oh man...I'm laughing right now as I type this but I was so not laughing when it happened.

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