Saturday, February 8, 2014

30 Things Series 24

Describe your family dynamic from your childhood vs. now

This is an interesting question.

From childhood, there were four kids around: my two sisters, my brother, and me.
I guess our childhood was pretty much as normal as anyone's childhood is. No childhood is perfect, but I guess that's the good thing about being a kid during your childhood is that your sort of ignorant of lots of things.
One thing I remember about my childhood that is very different now a days is that both my sisters had the whole "we are older than you, you can't hang out with us" mindset. Now all three of us, when we are in the same city, hang out like there is no age difference. Which is nice.
Some things that are different now are we are pretty spread out across the country. My oldest sister lives in Delaware. I live in Utah. And my other sister lives in Vegas.
Another thing is that two of us are married! And the other one is engaged! And I've got a kid!
Another thing about my family now a days is that unfortunately my brother is no longer around. He died when he was 16 years old, I was 15. We had a grand time when he was around, and we'll see him again one day and continue to have great times!

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