What are 5 of your greatest accomplishments?
1. Making it to the temple.
I'm very proud and happy to be able to say that I am an endowed member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have been sealed to my husband for time and all eternity, and I consider that a great accomplishment. Not that I get to stop "working towards the temple" now that I've been sealed, I know I'll constantly be working towards bettering myself and making my marriage a Celestial one.
2. Having a baby.
I had a baby! I remember being so proud of myself in the hospital right after I had Kaden, and gosh darnnit I'm still really proud of myself! Labor is hard! This is probably too much information but I pushed for 2 hours when I was in labor with Kaden. Two friggin' hours! Most women don't need to push for nearly that long ( the reason why I pushed for so long is Kaden wasn't positioned correctly).
3. Getting a college degree.
I'm so glad that I got to finish at least one degree before I had a baby. I love to learn so this accomplishment is something that really makes me happy. One day I'll go back and get my Bachelors Degree!
4. Learning the piano.
I consider this a great accomplishment of mine. I started learning the piano when I was 4 years old, I begged my mom to let me take lessons. She finally gave in and then had to convince my sister's piano teacher to give me lessons because she didn't think that I was old enough, but give in she did! I've had 3 different teachers and have learned a lot from each of them.
I'm not some virtuoso pianist or anything but I'm very humbled by the talent the Lord has given me.
5. Finishing a whole tube of chapstick.
From beginning to end! Most of the time I lose my chapstick or buy another one and not finish the one I had before, but I am proud to say that I have finished one entire tube of chapstick!
All of these are like, "Hey, high five! You're a rockstar!" But I'm especially impressed with number 5. I didn't even think that was possible! Matt gets flustered with me because I've only bought like seventeen in the past three months (maybe a slight exaggeration) and I haven't finished one single tube before they've gone missing. I mean, seriously, where do they run off to?? :p
ReplyDelete(And bless your heart for having to push for two hours with Kaden. I'm sure I don't really get how long that actually is, yet, but it sounds like forever.)